Worden News

Debate Matters

The Rotary Public Speaking Competition has always invited exciting debate, allowing our pupils to really make a difference to the issues that matter most. This year’s entries were extremely spirited and highly engaging, showcasing our youngsters’ abilities to explore contentious issues in front of audiences made up from other schools in the district.

Our Intermediate Team proposed the argument that young people today were too hooked up on gaming and television, rather than living life in the big outdoors where childhood could be lived more happily without the remote control. Michael Burke, Adrianna Cooper and Kieran Gill presented a convincing argument to show what growing-up years could be like if we started to play conkers, marbles and climb trees. Missed opportunities really did resonate on this occasion.

Intermediate Team

The Senior Team, who performed on the evening of the 18th January, took a closer look at the real Donald Trump, tracking his life and evaluating his qualifications in the lead-up to his presidency.

Senior Team

Well done to Tom Monk, Hal Gardner and especially Rhys Hathaway, who was awarded ‘Best Speaker’ on this auspicious occasion. ‘Youth Speaks’ definitely allows young people to gain in self-confidence from their involvement, and Academy@Worden’s students know this only too well.

Best Speaker Rhys Hathaway