Mr S. WadeRE Teacher

Key Stage 3

Year 7

  • Philosophy
  • Ethics
  • Christianity

Year 8

  • Islam
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism

Year 9

  • Judaism
  • Responses to Religion
  • Major World Religions: Christianity and Islamic Beliefs

Approaches to Teaching and Learning in RE

RE is taught as an individual subject at both KS3 and KS4. Throughout Years 7-9 every student will gain a knowledge and understanding of various world religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Sikhism.

Students will be expected to develop critical thinking and evidential skills, develop arguments which show perspective and judgement. In addition to using paper-based resources, the use of ICT will enable students to discover more about these religions. Students will talk about RE, read about RE, write about RE and, hopefully, become more curious about the world in which they live. Engaging, inclusive approaches are used in all lessons to enable students to enjoy RE. Teachers are passionate about RE and this enthusiasm captures the imagination and interest of our students.


In KS4 All students must legally receive Religious Education. To meet this requirement, all students in Year 10 have three half-terms of non-examined RE on a carousel with PSHE. Students will encounter a curriculum that allows them to build a growing tolerance and respect for the world around them with effective interweaving of content as well as meaningful utilisation of previous content learned in KS3, such as concepts and knowledge around belief, ethics, and religious practices in a modern-day world. They will also explore issues such as medical ethics, religion and conflict, and religion and the media.

Useful Links

Read the Exam Specifications: